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The Latino Vote: Why It’s Swinging Right for Good Policy

vote - The LIBRE Initiative

October 29, 2024

As Election Day approaches, both parties are working hard to woo one demographic that will play a critical role not only this year, but for decades to come: the Latino vote.  

It’s no surprise why.  

Latinos make up one in every seven voters — and their votes are up for grabs.   

The latest poll from The LIBRE Institute shows that just 49% of Latinos planned to vote for a Democratic candidate, and a Telemundo/NBC poll shows that Democrats’ formerly massive lead with Latinos is eroding at a fast pace.  

As Judy Pino, marketing manager for The LIBRE Initiative, analyzes in her latest op-ed in Newsweek:  

“The biggest challenge for candidates running for office is that Hispanic voters don’t consistently align with either ideological camp.”  

As you may have seen, Latinos are warming up to different ideas, and polls show that they could be living through a once-in-a-generation political shift.  

What is causing so many Latinos to reconsider their political preferences?  

Good policy. 

Latinos want good policies to solve the biggest problems 

The reality behind the ongoing shift with Latinos is that every day, more Hispanics see economic freedom as the key to a prosperous life.  

Why? Over the last few years, Latinos, like all Americans, have endured soaring prices, a sluggish economy, and stagnant wages.  

Latinos are pessimistic about the future of America — and they want change.  

The LIBRE Institute poll shows:  

  • More than seven in every 10 Latinos think the country is going in the wrong direction. 
  • Almost eight in 10 are unhappy with the economy.  
  • Nearly nine in every 10 Latinos think the American Dream is harder to achieve than before. 
poll - The LIBRE Initiative
poll – The LIBRE Initiative

Unsurprisingly, Latinos are looking for solutions that will make their lives better, and freedom-oriented policies offer a promising future for many Latinos.   

Policies like lower taxes, common sense regulations, and eliminating occupational barriers will bring enormous economic prosperity to millions of Americans — and Latinos know it 

A free economy is not the only issue where good policy appeals to Latinos.  

Take education, where Latinos are also coalescing around principled solutions.  

Almost three-quarters of Latinos support school choice, and it is no surprise why.  

Latinos know a good K-12 education is key to their kids’ success. That’s why Latinos want a system where they have the freedom to choose the education best suited for their kids — not one determined by ZIP codes and arbitrary boundaries.  

The Latino vote: Where it will be key 

Over the past several elections, the Latino community has played an increasingly important role in the electoral process.  

And in 2024, they’re poised to play a critical role in some of the competitive elections in pivotal battlegrounds like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, where Latinos make up a significant portion of the electorate. 

As Latinos continue to struggle with sky-high inflation, they’re more open than ever to good policies that address the biggest challenges we face as Americans. 

Latinos could be in a once-in-a-generation realignment.  

Regardless of what happens after election night, it is clear Latinos are a key demographic in American politics — and they cannot be taken for granted.  

Latinos care about policy solutions that can help them reach their full potential. 

That’s why LIBRE is working to empower Latinos by educating and mobilizing our community to advance policy change that expands freedom and opportunity so they can achieve their American Dream. 

If you want to know more about the ways LIBRE is engaging with the Latino community, sign up to our Que Pasa LIBRE newsletter here.