issue: Education
Freedom is Bigger in Texas
The LIBRE Initiative would like to welcome you to our experience event. FREEDOM IS BETTER IN TEXAS (FIBIT) Our team in Houston, will be hosting on August 29th at 6:00 pm. Interesting topics on school choice and the importance of an ESA education in our communities.
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ESL Class
Join us as we learn how to speak English. The LIBRE Institute will teach you how to learn conversational English. This will be the final class of our 8-week series. Register Here
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Backpack Giveaway
Attention Latino Community in Chesterfield! The LIBRE Initiative will be handing out FREE backpacks for children in the area. Each backpack will have some of the basic materials that your kids will have required for the start of classes. Also, we will be offering free consumption in the Paletería during the hours of the event.…
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