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Leading Center Right Latino Organization Hosts Policy Forum

Press Release - The LIBRE Initiative

November 15, 2023

The LIBRE Initiative, the country’s leading center-right Latino organization, recently hosted a policy forum with local and national thought leaders including Rachel Campos Duffy and American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Brent Orrell. The forum took place in Miami following the third GOP presidential debate where the presidential candidates outlined their plans on several key issues of significance to the country’s fastest and youngest growing demographic. 

Click Here to Watch a Clip of the Forum    

The LIBRE Forum is a series hosted by The LIBRE Initiative that aims to educate, engage, and provide solutions to key issues facing the Hispanic community. In the past, LIBRE Forum has featured conversations with presidential nominees, members of congress, local elected officials, and policy experts. We will discuss the Hispanic workforce, the negative effects of Bidenomics, and the road to 2024. All of the panelists agreed that center-right candidates and elected officials have huge opportunities to make inroads with the country’s Hispanic community.  

From the Panel: 
“I would not be at FOX if I hadn’t been at LIBRE to hone my skills.” – Rachel Campos Duffy 

“I could not be more proud of where we are seeing where the Latino community is. One party took us for granted and the other party ignored us. No Longer!” – Daniel Garza

“We should pass policy that is pro-growth, give us energy abundance, position our children better in education so that we can all rise through our talents and our merritt.”-Libre President, Daniel Garza

Background: Daniel Garza is the President of The LIBRE Initiative, the nation’s largest center-right Latino organization committed to freedom-minded solutions that remove barriers to opportunity and empower individuals.

Watch Daniel’s message here