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Washington Can Promote Growth by Expanding Trade

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Washington Can Promote Growth by Expanding Trade  

(Washington, D.C.) – With many Americans suffering the effects of a weak economy, the president and the new leadership in Congress have the opportunity to work together on trade initiatives that can increase growth and expand economic opportunity. During his current trip to Asia, President Obama has prioritized an agreement to expand trade. If a trade deal is reached, it would be subject to approval by Congress. Removing or reducing foreign barriers to U.S. exports would help domestic companies increase sales, while reducing taxes on U.S. imports would expand choice and promote competition that benefits American consumers. 

Daniel Garza, Executive Director for The LIBRE Initiative, released the following statement:  

Elected officials in Washington should be reaching across the aisle to promote economic opportunity – and when it comes to opening trade, most Americans agree.  Close to two-thirds feel that free trade agreements are good for the U.S. With median family incomes falling, and millions among the ranks of the long-term unemployed, it's important to seek every opportunity to get the economy moving again. 

For interviews with a LIBRE representative, please contact: Brian Faughnan, 703-678-4581 or Steven Cruz, 202-578-6173
