• info@belibre.org

Social Media Toolkit: The Freedom Protests in Cuba

Social Media Toolkit: The Freedom Protests in Cuba

The LIBRE Initiative is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with every Cuban, living on the island or elsewhere, yearning for a free and prosperous Cuba. Just as importantly, we condemn any actions that inhibit the right of any person to assemble peacefully and express themselves freely.

During this critical inflection point, it is important that the Cuban people – and the Cuban people alone – decide what type of government they want to live under to pursue happiness, prosperity, and increased opportunity for all.

Use our social media toolkit to advocate on behalf of freedom in Cuba!

Step 1: Write Your Caption

Write your social media caption in your own words using one of our key messaging points below.

  • It is important that the Cuban people – and the Cuban people alone – decide what type of government they want to live under to pursue happiness, prosperity, and increased opportunity for all.
  • The right of any person to assemble peacefully and express themselves freely should not be inhibited.
  • The internet connectivity in Cuba, which serves as the Cuban people’s voice, must be turned back on.

Step 2: Pick Your Graphic

Use the instructions below to save these images to your phone or computer, so you can use them when posting on social media!

– On Desktop: Right-click the image to save to your computer.
– On Mobile Phone: Click and hold the image and then add to your photo library.

General Graphics for Social Media: Use these on your favorite social media platforms!

Slideshow Images for Facebook: Download and use all or some of these images for a Facebook post.


Carousel Images for Instagram: Download and use all of these images in an Instagram Carousel.


Step 3: Post to Social Media!

Go to your social media accounts, post your content, and spread the word.