• info@belibre.org

Our communities don’t need burdensome driving regulations!

Our communities don’t need burdensome driving regulations!

Recently, bureaucrats in Denver proposed a plan to reduce emissions by creating an employee traffic reduction program for statewide consideration. The goal of this plan is to improve our air quality through reduced single commuter trips.

However, businesses with 100 employees will be expected to participate by creating a trip-reduction plan that will force workers to comply by forcing workers to utilize these options (telework, EV use, ridesharing, transit, walking/biking) for a specific number of days of the week.

This plan is full of overburdensome regulations that create barriers to opportunity, including fines and job cuts, for Colorado’s Hispanic communities.

The employee traffic reduction program has the potential to create major disruptions and hurdles just to get to work each day for Hispanic Coloradans leading to potential negative implications for the economy.

Bureaucrats should look for innovative and better alternatives by focusing on removing barriers to new and more efficient energy and transportation innovations rather than creating more barriers for our communities!

Click here to submit a public comment and urge the state to reject the no-driving mandate! Be sure to click Reg 22 Transportation GHG Rules – Employee Traffic Reduction Program.