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LIBRE Releases Fifth Video in the How to Raise a Little #MsLIBRE Campaign: “Giving Back”

LIBRE Releases Fifth Video in the How to Raise a Little #MsLIBRE Campaign: "Giving Back"

Teaching our Daughters the Value of Hard Work, Self-Reliance & Entrepreneurship

MsLIBRE for video
(Washington, D.C.) – The LIBRE Initiative (LIBRE), a non-partisan and non-profit national grassroots organization that advocates for the principles of economic freedom in the Hispanic community, releases the fifth video in the series "How to Raise a Little #MsLIBRE" on the importance of "Giving Back." The short videos presented by LIBRE's National Spokesperson, Rachel Campos-Duffy , strive to show the values of economic freedom by providing easy and practical advice for raising and empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs and fiscally responsible girls. Today's video highlights the importance of helping others.

"By 2018, Hispanics are expected to comprise 18 percent of the labor force. The skills they learn through important female figures in their lives now are sure to shape society and our economy of tomorrow. By protecting the values of hard work, personal responsibility, rule of law and the role of limited government in our lives, we teach the next generation of Latinas to be empowered by their knowledge and skills to achieve success and prosperity in their lives," said Rachel Campos-Duffy, national spokesperson for the LIBRE Initiative.

Transcript of video:

"American businesses and business owners have an amazing track record of giving. Whether it's the pizza restaurant in your town who donates money for the Little League uniforms, or the manufacturer in my town who donated money for the ice rink.  Teach your little #MsLIBRE that she has a responsibility to give back to her community.  Encourage her to donate at the Sunday basket at your church, or maybe she wants to buy kitty litter for the local shelter. Whatever it is, encouraging her to do this will teach her that earning a profit feels even better when you can use some of that hard-earned cash to help others."

The #MsLIBRE campaign video series includes:

1.       Chores 

2.       Lemonade 

3.       Bargain Hunting

4.       Entrepreneurship

5.       Giving Back

Watch for more information about how to raise a Little #MsLIBRE. See Rachel Campos-Duffy on Fox and Friends talking about #MsLIBRE here.

About #MsLIBRE
LIBRE launched the social media campaign #MsLIBRE to celebrate Hispanic women as beautiful, entrepreneurial, self-reliant and powerful as a counter campaign to President Obama's "Life of Julia" campaign – which featured a woman dependent on the government from cradle to grave. LIBRE's counter-campaign, #MsLIBRE, promotes female empowerment, not dependency and we strive to inform women on how teach the next generation the same values. Read more

For interviews with a LIBRE representative, please contact: Judy Pino, 202-578-6424 or Brian Faughnan, 571-257-3309.